Managing Multimedia Projects - Week 2
Favorite Multimedia Projects

1. NPR as a whole is one of my favorite mmp.  I listen to the radio every morning on my way to work. Many times when I get to the office, I log on to their site to find more information about what I just heard. 
Recent examples of projects I've liked are: 
  • Pinpointing Airports With High Rate Of Bird Strikes, an interactive map that shows the US airports with the highest rates of wildlife strikes. This was done in the aftermath of the now-famous US Airways pilot who successfully landed a plane in the Hudson River after being hit by a flock of birds. 
  • The Obama Tracker, which charts significant events and developments in the new administration. 
2. Only recently did I discover a great gadget used by he Washington Post, called "Understand more about..." It's a small window with circles containing the names of all the actors mentioned in the story. When you click on any name, it tells you what other stories have been written about this person, business, etc. Check out one of today's examples to understand better how this works—"The Depression Test". "Understand more about" is the genius invention of Evri, a Seattle company that "is building a way for content to network–a way for that great article you just read to make meaningful connections with every other contextually relevant article, paper, blog, image, audio clip or video on the web. With more than 15 billion documents on the World Wide Web today, there could be hundreds of thousands of documents with similar keywords requiring readers to sort out what is relevant. Evri’s technology automates connections between Web content by applying a more human-like understanding of the words on the page. We think that there is a big opportunity to help website publishers better engage their readers and help readers discover compelling content in a new and addictive way." Evri is still in beta.

3. GlobalPost has a multimedia section that is not too fancy as far as technology is concerned, but I nevertheless enjoy it. Check out, for example, the audio slideshow "Looking good: High style in the Congo,by Finbarr O'Reilly.